Coming 10/27!

Alice’s parents had always told her when she was nine that the abandoned estate they moved into was just a fixer-upper, but Alice knew better. From the moment she stepped inside, she could feel the dark energy that permeated the walls. It wasn’t long before she heard whispers in the darkness, a haunting male voice that seemed to be calling to her, or noises from the walls of the estate. As she got older, strange things began to happen: a flower petal on her pillow, a hidden message etched into the walls, a touch she could swear she felt.

As she got older, Alice found herself drawn to her whisperer’s dark and dangerous world. She knew he was dangerous and could destroy her, but she couldn’t resist the pull of his haunting voice. During her senior year of high school, she began to party recklessly, trying to explore her sexuality and searching for a way to escape the haunting whispers and messages that followed her everywhere.

But the more reckless she became, the more the whispers became real, and the more she fell under its spell. She wanted to find the truth and began to unravel the estate’s secrets and the reality haunting her for so long. Was he real, or was it all in her mind?